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 Scientific Research

Mazen El Ghaziri, PhD and HITEC Advisor

Publishing scientific research showcases the HITEC Healthy Workplace Participatory Program and its benefits to the CT DOC workers.  UConn and UConn affiliates supporting NIOSH's Total Worker Health® participatory model of improving worker's safety, health and well-being, have published over 34 articles and presented at conferences both nationally and internationally. Professional conferences include the National Institute of Corrections, CPH-NEW National Symposium on Corrections Worker health, the NIOSH Total Worker Health Symposium, and the Work, Stress and Health Conference.

Researchers are from UConn, UMass Lowell and other Universities

Scroll below to review a listing of the publications or select the button to download an APA formatted list. 

A 16-Year Chronicle of Developing a Healthy Workplace Participatory Program for Total Worker Health® in the Connecticut Department of Correction: The Health Improvement through Employee Control (HITEC) Program

Cherniack M, Namazi S, Brennan M, Henning R, Dugan A, El Ghaziri M.

(2024) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.  21(2):142.

Participatory Design of a Sleep Intervention with Correctional Supervisors Using a Root Causes Approach

Namazi S, Dugan AG, Cavallari JM, Rinker RD, Preston JC, Steele VL, Cherniack MG.

(2023) American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 66(2), 167-177. 

Relative importance of incivility and loneliness in occupational health outcomes.

Gilmer, D.O., Magley, V.J., Dugan, A.G., Namazi, S., Cherniack, M.

(2023). Occupational Health Science.

Participatory assessment and selection of workforce health intervention priorities for correctional supervisors.

Dugan, A. G., Namazi, S., Cavallari, J. M., El Ghaziri, M., Rinker, R. D., Preston, J. C., & Cherniack, M. G. (2022). Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 64(7), 578–592.  

Development and implementation of a Total Worker Health® mentoring program in a correctional workforce.

Namazi, S., Kotejoshyer, R., Farr, D., Henning, R. A., Tubbs, D. C., Dugan, A. G., El Ghaziri, M., & Cherniack, M. (2021).  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(16), 8712.  

Traumatic incidents at work, work-to-family conflict, and depressive symptoms among correctional supervisors: The moderating role of social support.

Namazi, S., Dugan, A. G., Fortinsky, R. H., El Ghaziri, M., Barnes-Farrell, J. L., Noel, J., Cavallari, J. M., Shaw, W. S., Cole, W. A., & Cherniack, M. G. (2021).  Occupational Health Science, 5(4), 493–517.  

Impact of a Total Worker Health® mentoring program in a correctional workforce.

Kotejoshyer, R., Gilmer, D. O., Namazi, S., Farr, D., Henning, R. A., & Cherniack, M. (2021). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(16), 8436.  

Participatory survey design of a workforce health needs assessment for correctional supervisors.

Dugan, A. G., Namazi, S., Cavallari, J. M., Rinker, R. D., Preston, J. C., Steele, V. L., & Cherniack, M. G. (2021).  American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 64(5), 414–430.  

The national corrections collaborative utilizing a total worker health® strategy.

El Ghaziri, M., Jaegers, L. A., Monteiro, C. E., Grubb, P. L., & Cherniack, M. G. (2020). Progress in corrections worker health: The national corrections collaborative utilizing a total worker health® strategy. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 62(11), 965–972.  

Work and health correlates of sleep quantity and quality among correctional nurses.

Zhang, Y., El Ghaziri, M., Dugan, A. G., & Castro, M. E. (2019). Journal of Forensic Nursing, 15(1), 42–51.  

Examining a comprehensive model of work and family demands, work–family conflict, and depressive symptoms in a sample of correctional supervisors.

Namazi, S., Dugan, A. G., Fortinsky, R. H., Barnes-Farrell, J., Coman, E., El Ghaziri, M., & Cherniack, M. G. (2019). Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 61(10), 818–828.  

Correction workers’ burnout and outcomes: A Bayesian network approach.

Lee, J., Henning, R., & Cherniack, M. (2019). Correction workers’ burnout and outcomes: A Bayesian network approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(2), 282.  

Sex and Gender Role Differences in Occupational Exposures and Work Outcomes Among Registered Nurses in Correctional Settings.

El Ghaziri, M., Dugan, A. G., Zhang, Y., Gore, R., & Castro, M. E. (2019).  Annals of Work Exposures and Health,63(5), 568–582.  

Participatory Action Research Approach to Mental Health Interventions among Corrections Officers: Standardizing Priorities and Maintaining Design Autonomy.

Cherniack, M., Berger, S., Namazi, S., Henning, R., & Punnett, L. (2019). Occupational Health Science, 3(4), 387–407. 

​The application of salutogenesis to correctional officers in corrections settings.

Henning, R., Zweber, Z. M., Bizarro, A., Bauerle, T. J., Tubbs, D. C., & Reeves, D. (2017). In The handbook of salutogenesis (pp. 247–257).  

Musculoskeletal pain as predictors of health behavior: Implications for an ergonomic intervention

Faghri, P., & Gilder, C. M. (2017). 3315 Board #220 June 2 3 30 PM - 5 00 PM. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 49(5S), 946–947.  

The Effects of An Ergonomic Mat on Musculoskeletal Symptoms and Health Behaviors

Gilder, C. M., Faghri, P., & Henning, R. (2017).  3321 Board #226 June 2 3 30 PM - 5 00 PM. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 49(5S), 948–949. 

Associations among work and family health climate, health behaviors, work schedule, and body weight.

Buden, J. C., Dugan, A. G., Faghri, P. D., Huedo-Medina, T. B., Namazi, S., & Cherniack, M. G. (2017). Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 59(6), 588–599.  

Psychological health, behavior, and bodyweight (PBBW) model: An evaluation of predictors of health behaviors and body mass index (BMI).

Mignano, C., Faghri, P. D., Huedo-Medina, T., & Cherniack, M. C. (2016). Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health, 31(1), 37–56.  

Process evaluation of two participatory approaches: Implementing total worker health® interventions in a correctional workforce: Two Participatory Programs in Corrections.

Dugan, A. G., Farr, D. A., Namazi, S., Henning, R. A., Wallace, K. N., El Ghaziri, M., Punnett, L., Dussetschleger, J. L., & Cherniack, M. G. (2016).  American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 59(10), 897–918.  

Participatory action research in corrections: The HITEC 2 program.

Cherniack, M., Dussetschleger, J., Dugan, A., Farr, D., Namazi, S., El Ghaziri, M., & Henning, R. (2016). Applied Ergonomics, 53, 169–180.  

​Work characteristics as predictors of correctional supervisors’ health outcomes.

Buden, J. C., Dugan, A. G., Namazi, S., Huedo-Medina, T. B., Cherniack, M. G., & Faghri, P. D. (2016). Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 58(9), e325–e334.  

Considering the differential impact of three facets of organizational health climate on employees’ well-being.

Zweber, Z. M., Henning, R. A., Magley, V. J., & Faghri, P. (2015). Considering the differential impact of three facets of organizational health climate on employees’ well-being. The Scientific World Journal, 2015, 1–10.  

Musculoskeletal disorder symptoms in correction officers: Why do they increase rapidly with job tenure?

Warren, N., Dussetschleger, J., Punnett, L., & Cherniack, M. G. (2015). Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 57(2), 262–275.  

Psychological health and overweight and obesity among high stressed work environments.

Pouran, D. F. (2015). Psychological health and overweight and obesity among high stressed work environments. Obesity: Open Access (ISSN 2380-5528), 1(1).  

Overtime, Shift Work, Poor Sleep, and the Effects on Obesity: A Public Health Problem

Faghri, P. D., & Budden, J. (2015). Journal of Nutritional Disorders & Therapy, 6(2).  

The Productivity dilemma in workplace health promotion.

Cherniack, M. (2015). The Productivity dilemma in workplace health promotion. The Scientific World Journal, 2015, 1–8.  

Health behavior knowledge and self-efficacy as predictors of body weight.

Faghri, P. D., & Budden, J. (2015). Journal of Nutritional Disorders & Therapy, 05(03).  

Psychological Health and Overweight and Obesity Among High Stressed Work Environments.

Faghri, P. D., Mignano, C., Huedo-Medina, T. B., & Cherniack, M. (2015).  Obesity, Open Access, 1(1). 

Stress and corrections: Addressing the safety and well-being of correctional officers.

Elliot, D., Kuehl, K., El Ghaziri, M., & Cherniack, M. (July/August w2015).
Corrections Today (pp. 40–44).

Musculoskeletal Disorder Symptoms in Correction Officers: Why Do They Increase Rapidly With Job Tenure?

Warren, N., Dussetschleger, J., Punnett, L., & Cherniack, M. G. (2015).  Human Factors, 57(2), 262-275. 

​Workplace-based participatory approach to weight loss for correctional employees.

Ferraro, L., Faghri, P. D., Henning, R., & Cherniack, M. (2013). Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 55(2), 147–155.  

Talking about health: Correction employees’ assessments of obstacles to healthy living.

Morse, T., Dussetschleger, J., Warren, N., & Cherniack, M. (2011). Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 53(9), 1037–1045.  

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